Silverlake PEAK 

Silverlake PEAK Sdn Bhd 

With increasingly sophisticated payment and cash management infrastructures available from banks and private organisations corporate treasuries need to have a dynamic and agile system to tackle the increasingly real-time mindset of global consumer markets.

Our goal is to develop, implement and enhance Back Office Systems for Treasury / Remittance Systems.

Our systems are developed with your business process in mind.  After a complete assessment of your existing system structure we will propose, build, implement and manage are built based on the client’s need, we assess, propose, build and manage your new optimised system in accordance with SWIFT compliance and local Authority’s Compliance (BNM, KPKT).

Our products consist of :

CPS – Central Payment System (Inward SWIFT processing)

  • Inward SWIFT payment processing
  • Message Routing process
  • Payment Execution Module
  • Exception Handling Module
  • Processing output and integration
  • Case book Management

CPS process the incoming SWIFT payment messages.

Processing output and Integration

 Support SWIFT MT and MX format.

SWIFT Message Routing process

Routing rules to filter and send the SWIFT messages to the respective processing unit.

Payment Execution Module

Payment rules to maximise the STP.

Exception Handling Module

STEP – Straight Thru Error Processing

Case book Management

Payment Investigation Module, handling payment disputes

PPFA – Money Market Placement System

PPFA enables the sale of Money Market Deposit products from Bank Branches and manages the Deal Life Cycle processes.

WCES – Wholesales Currencies Exchange System

A system for the Money services business company to manage the day-to-day operation.

Currencies Stock Inventory – Vault Management (Currencies stock Position and Pricing – Weighted Average Cost, Stock Projection)

Compliance Module


Personal Loan System


Silverlake PEAK Sdn Bhd 

  • Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
  • 60-3-77216000
  • 603 - 7721 6001